A syllabus that I designed by compiling various materials that I consider would be useful for someone who wants to learn Narrative Design.
Includes the bases, expert insight and case studies.
(1) - The Basics
How to start
The 6 essential questions
Narrative Structure - Overview
Narrative Structure for games
Plot, character and lore
Explicit, implÃcit and emergent narratives
Writing better dialog
Writing internal dialog
Avoiding Fiat writing (Basically, something that works only because the author says it does. )
Case of Study - Condemned Criminal Origins
Use of original mechanics to display information without making it feel static
or boring.
Adding moments of calm during combat.
Horror Scene Construction
(2) - Environmental Storytelling
Level design
Case of Study - Cry of Fear
Use of the environment and pacing in the narrative. Mechanics
as a means convey the feeling of survival horror.
Moments of calm and tension as a way to lead the player through the
Use of conflicting tones to convey a message.
Case of Study - Resident Evil Village
Use of themes, characterization and changes in environment and gameplay in the construction of an overarching narrative.
(3) - Narrative as a System
Narratives as systems
Systemic games and emergent narratives
Invisible choices
Narrative downbeats, Moments of struggle, narrative rewards, disadvantages and
improvements in emergent Storytelling
Case of Study - Dwarf fortress and emergent narratives
Case of Study - Rimworld and emergent narratives